• Italiano
Logistica Uno
Rally Cup
by Michelin

2021 Regulation

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Logistica Uno Rally Cup, by Michelin

2021 Regulation


Art.1 General Premises

Art.2 Admitted Drivers

Art.3 Registration for the Michelin Rally Cup

Art.4 Valid races, admitted cars, scores, standings

Art.5 Obligations

Art.6 Penalties and exclusions

Art.7 Registration for competitions

Art.8 Ex-aequo

Art.9 Cash Prizes

Art.10 Safeguard clause

Art.11 Image Rights

Art.12 General Rules

Art.13 Controls

Art.14 Complaints




Attachment 1 – TIRE MARKING LOGO




ART. 1

The Company D-Events Srl license n ° 469277 ( info@d-events.it ) hereinafter referred to as D-Events, promotes and establishes, under the patronage of the “Manufacture Francaise des Pneumatiques MICHELIN”, and as part of the sporting activity scheduled for the year 2021, the “LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021” intended for Michelin sports customers who participate in rallies in compliance with these regulations.

Drivers enrolled in the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 will be awarded prizes in goods and money, made available, distributed, and paid for by D-Events, based on the conditions set out in these regulations. The complete management of the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 is under the responsibility of the company D-EVENTS srl.


ART. 2

Drivers holding a competitor/driver license, a natural or legal person issued by ACI Sport or an ASN of the EU or similar countries, and currently valid, can participate. The term “driver”, hereinafter also “registered”, means the first driver resulting from the rankings of each race published by the organizers and approved by ACI SPORT.

D-EVENTS reserves the right to evaluate the applications received. In case of non-admission, the interested party will be informed (by registered letter with return receipt or certified e-mail) giving reasons for the exclusion. The communication will take place no later than 10 (ten) days following receipt of the registration form and the registration fee will be refunded; in the same terms, the same communication will be forwarded to Aci Sport, so that the Aci President can decide on any disputes. The non-admission of a registration application gives the competitor the possibility to appeal to the Aci Sport Bodies, as required by the R.S.N. Aci Sport.



To participate in the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021, it must be sent by 31/05/2021, by email to D-EVENTS at rallycup @ d-events .it , the appropriate form, together with the accounting of the transfer of the registration fee which is equal to:

– Classs: WRC, R5, N5 – € 1500.00 (one thousand five hundred / 00) + VAT

– Classs: R4, N4, Super2000, A8, R3C, R3T, SUPER1600, A7, RacingStart Plus, R2C, R2B – € 1000.00 (one thousand / 00) + VAT

– Classs: N3, N2, N1, N0, R1A, R1B, R1C, A6, A5, A0 – € 800.00 (eight hundred) + VAT

Registration includes:
– access to the final prize pool
– access to the prize pool for each single race
– official clothing
– dedicated area on the MICHELIN RALLY CUP 2021 website
– 1 post for exclusive use in the MICHELIN RALLY CUP 2021 social channels
– discounts and vouchers from technical and commercial partners


ART. 4

The LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 will take place as part of the Italian WRC Championship, with 7 valid races. Two discards are allowed, so only 5 results will determine the final rankings of the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021.




To draw up the rankings of the MICHELIN RALLY CUP 2021, 5 groups of cars are identified, an absolute ranking and a ranking dedicated to the BEST UNDER25.

Overall Classification (CLASSES R5-WRC-S2000-A8 PARTICIPATE) includes the first 10 classified among the crews of the overall classification.

BEST UNDER25 ranking. The best competitor with a driver who, at the registration date, has not already turned 25 years old will be awarded.

Ranking by Class Groupings :
5 rankings will be drawn up for the following groupings:

  1. R5 – R4kit – R4 – A8 – S2000 – N4 – RGT
  2. N5
  3. S1600 – A7 – R3T – R3C – R3D – RacingStart Plus 2.0
  4. R2C
  5. R2B – RS1.6PLUS – RSTW1.6 – RSTB1.4 – RSTB1.4PLUS – RSTD2.0 – RS2.0

The rankings will be generated by extrapolating from the general race ranking the members of the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 and classifying them with the criterion of the identified groupings, and applying the following scores for each ranking:

ranking 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
points 100 80 70 62 56 52 46 42 38 34


ranking 11th 12th 13th 14th 15 ° 16th 17th 18 ° 19th 20 °
points 30 26 22 18 14 10 8 6 3 1


Starting points.
A DEPARTURE BONUS will be provided to each crew that has started from the start platform.
The starting points will increase, 15 – 30 – 45 – 60 – 75 – 90 – 105 and distributed according to the participations:

Participant 1 15 30 45 60 75 225
Participant 2 15 30 45 60 150
Participant 3 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 420
Participant 4 15 30 45 90


The following points will be awarded for each grouping of Classs on a special test of each race.
The POWER STAGE will be chosen by each organizer of the individual competitions and communicated to the members of LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021.

1st place: 10 points
2nd place: 6 points
3rd place: 3 points



For the entire duration of each rally, except for a possible performance test (only if the RPG is not considered in the total tire count), the car used by the competitor registered in the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 must fit Michelin tires, marked with M-Rally Cup logo, as shown in Annex 2.

In any case, the tires must be purchased at:
– Bellotto
– Lunigiana

They will reserve for the members of LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 a special extra-discount of 5% on MICHELIN tires.



The affixing of the stickers of the sponsors of LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 is mandatory for all cars, as indicated in Annex 1.
The registered crew will be required to wear, in the following phases of the competition, the clothing received at the time of registration:
– official reconnaissance
– sports checks
– departure ceremony (cap only)
– arrival and award ceremony (cap only)
– press conference (only MICHELIN cap model “Podium”)

In case of non-compliance, the prizes related to the missing sponsor will not be awarded.

During the course of LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021, the sponsors will be able to undergo variations and/or integrations.



In the event that a LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 member is sanctioned by the board of sports commissioners for violations of the Aci Sport rules, he will not be able to acquire cup points in the race in question (including the starting bonus and the “ cumulability ”of the same for the next race).

In the event that ACI Sport adopts an exclusion or disqualification measure, the members will not be able to discard this result, determining in fact the reduction of the valid summable useful results LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021.

In the event of complaints and appeals, in order to draw up the rankings, the relevant decisions must be awaited by the competent bodies of ACI Sport with a final decision.
In the event that the bodies of sports justice detect a member’s intent to defraud, he will be excluded from LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021.

The members of LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 are committed to maintaining respectful and loyal behavior towards other participants, the organizers, the promoter D-Events, and ACI Sport.
If excessive, inconvenient, or harmful behavior of the image of LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 is found, without these being sanctioned by the Board of Sports Commissioners, D-Events may impose, in its unquestionable opinion, one of the following sanctions:

  • Loss of race points
  • Loss of all points
  • Exclusion from MICHELIN RALLY CUP 2021


ART. 7

The registration forms for the races valid for the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021, must be sent to the individual organizers of each race by the Competitors / Drivers in the manner provided for in the specific regulations of each race.


ART. 8

With regard to the final rankings of each group, in the event of a tie between multiple entrants, any ex-aequo is resolved on the basis of the largest number of races in which the subscriber has participated; in the event of a further ex-aequo, the number of first places achieved in the official Group classification of the 6 races considered, followed by second places, third places and so on is decisive. If the ex-aequo persists, the result of the first useful Special Stage, played by both contenders, is considered.


ART. 9

The final winners of the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 will be awarded the following cash prizes:


1st Prize € 30,000.00 + Freem Voucher Award € 500.00
2nd Prize € 25,000.00 + Eta Beta Voucher Award € 240.00
3rd classified € 17,000.00 4th classified € 10,000.00


A) R5 – R4 – N4 – S2000
1st Prize € 8,000.00 + Freem Voucher Award € 300.00
2nd place € 5,000.00
3rd place € 3,000.00

B) N5
1st Prize € 7,000.00 + Freem Voucher Award € 300.00

2nd place 2.000,00 €
3rd place 1.000,00 €

C) R3C – R3T – S1600 – A7 – RacingStart Plus 2.0
1st Prize € 9,000.00 + Freem Voucher Award € 300.00
2nd place € 4,000.00
3rd place € 2,500.00

D) R2C
1st classified € 15,000.00 + a race with an N5 class car
2nd Prize € 9,000.00 + Freem Voucher Award € 300.00
3rd place 4.500,00 €
4th place € 3,000.00

E) R2B – RS1.6PLUS – RSTW1.6 – RSTB1.4 – RSTB1.4PLUS – RSTD2.0 – RS2.0
1st Prize € 9,000.00 + Freem Voucher Award € 300.00
2nd place € 4,000.00
3rd place 1.500,00 €

In each of the 7 competitions, there will be competition prizes, provided in the form of technical material and assigned to the winners of the individual groups.
The prizes will be provided by PANTA RACING FUEL and will be defined in an informative circular prior to the start date of the first race of the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021.

During the year, additional prizes may be added, which will be communicated with specific disclosures.


ART. 10

To be entitled to all the prizes indicated, in each grouping of classes among the 5 identified in this regulation, there must be at least 5 (five) registered in the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 in the final rankings; if this does not happen, the cash prizes will be reduced by 50%.
To be eligible for the prizes provided by the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021, each participant must participate in at least 4 races valid for the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021.
In order to be entitled to all the prizes of the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021, the competitor must exhibit (in all phases of each race in which he participates), ALL the stickers of the sponsors of the series in a correct manner with respect to what is indicated in attachment 2 of this regulation. If this does not happen, the member loses the right to the payment of prizes.

To be entitled to all the prizes of the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021, the competitor must comply with these regulations, in all their parts.

In cases of exclusion from the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021, the competitor loses the right to receive the prizes.

In case of suspension of the series due to force majeure, due to a pandemic or natural disasters, the prizes will be re-proportioned as follows:

  • Any competition not organized / regularly played: -15% of the total value of the prizes.


ART 11

The image rights of the races belong exclusively to ACI Sport. BELLOTTO, MICHELIN AND D-EVENTS are authorized to use the names, images, and results of the participants in the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021 free of charge, exclusively for their own advertising and promotional purposes.


ART. 12

By registering for the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021, the member declares to know and observe the National Sporting Regulations issued by ACI Sport, the Code of Sporting Behavior issued by Coni, the particular competition regulations, and these general regulations of D -EVENTS.
In the event of any dispute not relating to the criminal code, the member also undertakes to comply with the arbitration clause pursuant to the R.S.N.

The member is required to know and comply with the list of doping substances and prohibited methods in force since 1 January 2016 ( http://www.csai.aci.it/menu /sinistra/aree-inerdisciplinari/regolamenti-antidoping/normativa.html ). He also declares to hold harmless for himself and for his successors and assignees in any title to D-Events from any liability deriving from facts or actions committed by him while participating in the LOGISTICAUNO RALLY CUP by MICHELIN 2021.


ART. 13

Checks will be carried out in the competition area by specially appointed personnel, to verify that the rules of this regulation are respected at all times with regard to the use of the tires provided, as well as the correct application and display of the sponsors’ brands, thus giving D – EVENTS the right to assign scores and any penalties and exclusions, as per article 6 of this regulation.


ART. 14

D-Events reserves the right to make known, by means of information circulars approved by ACI Sport, any changes that will be deemed appropriate for the better application of this regulation, of which they must be considered an integral part.


D-Events Srl
via Fermi 62 int. 13 – 38123 Trento (TN)
www.rallycup.it – info@d-events.it
P.I. 02615660228 – REA TN237508

Mob. +39 3462274391 – Giacomo Fumei



Annex 1

Attachment 2: Tire Marking Sticker